Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Colorado or Bust!

Team Bickham
Tim, LaVerte, Raleigh, Lon, Carolyn, Bick

Recently, my daughter was joking with someone who has been through many medical trials and said it was nice to meet someone else who is on the "struggle bus" that could relate to the daily challenges she and her husband, Lon, face...challenges that most of us will never fully understand. 

The name, "struggle bus", has stuck with me. We are all on a struggle bus of our own. No-one escapes trials in this thing we call life.  But we all have the opportunity to choose how we face our obstacles.  Some days we do better than others.  I could get all philosophial on that subject alone but I'll save it for another blog. However, I think we can all learn a lesson from Lon and Raleigh about focusing on joy.  They are a ray of sunshine to all of those who know them.

It seemed only fitting to name this blog "Adventures on The Struggle Bus" to chronicle our trip out west in their newly acquired handicap school bus converted into an RV  so Lon can go to Raleigh's best friend's wedding.  

After 5 long years of not being able to travel more than a few hours away,  Lon and Raleigh are embarking on a grand adventure and I thought we should record it with a blog.  Lon cannot travel on commercial transportation and when I checked on the price of chartering an airplane we decided that $3,000 per hour (for 8-10 hours) was a little high for a round trip to Colorado where Raleigh's best friend is getting married in July.  So, Raleigh and Lon, following the lead of Raleigh's brother, decided to jump in and buy a handicap school bus and convert it into an RV.  William bought a regular bus this year and has begun its conversion so they are ahead of the learning curve.  Memorial Day weekend we took off for West Virginia where they purchased their bus in Raleigh County.  We thought that was a sign of good things to come! 

There are many people on "Team Bickham" helping to get this thing on the road.  Lon has logged countless hours, and I do mean countless hours, on the internet researching everything from air-conditioning to spare tires.  The UPS man has begun to drop off more than medical supplies and parts for Lon's trucks.  Now there are daily deliveries of bus paraphernalia.  He will never be out of a job if Raleigh and Lon keep this up!  Lon has also been our travel agent and has booked our stays in campsites along the way.  Bick has been instrumental in getting the electricity hooked up so we can have airconditioning, outlets and refrigeration.  He could have used some airconditioning on those hot, humid work days!  Tim has helped implement Raleigh's plans for a murphy bed for Lon, install paneling, pick up a sofa, and generally do whatever Raleigh and Lon ask him to do.  I have helped prep the exterior with sanding and taping in preparation for the necessary paint job. Raleigh has popped rivets to remove the metal paneling...brother William helped with this!  She's changed the oil, had it insulated, scraped, sanded, planned the layout and has been the general contractor along with Lon. Carolyn is making us happy by providing her wonderful chicken salad and pimento cheese for the trip.  We will not starve for sure.  And even their friend, Tracey, is making curtains so that we won't be exposed at night in the campgrounds.  (Or so others won't be exposed to us!!!)  Tim and I will make the trip with them as support crew/drivers.  William will travel with us, driving Lon's handicap van as our emergency vehicle in case the bus breaks down. 

If I can get the hang of blogging, I will add pictures and stories during our travels.  We leave Monday the 27th of June...Colorado or Bust!


  1. So excited to be able to follow along on this journey!

  2. Oh this is truly awesome! I love you have another bus in the family, and that the first trip is pretty much cross country. :) I can only imagine the adventures you're already having getting it ready for the trip.

    Also, mom laughed out loud (at work) when she read the title of your blog. She was recently introduced to the term 'struggle bus', and rides it quite frequently now ;)

    Can't wait to hear all about your road trip. Tell everyone I say hello!!

    1. William had another meaning for "struggle bus". He said that when you have a hangover, you are riding it.

    2. Well, The OLD Country Ham Thought he ought to get in on this trip-----thought I would furnish some fuel BUT it is a bit hard to ship 5 gallon cans of fuel SO SMART MAN THAT HE IS: HE DECIDED he could send some green lettuce
      he just came across and you maybe you can trade it in at a fuel station for a few gallons of fuel. The trouble is I do not know when and where to mail it---- Maybe you could
      send the name and state of some post office at a town you are sure you will be traveling through and I could send it to you at "General Delivery" at that post office and you can stop there and pick it up. That, or any other arrangement you might work out. Having worked for the Post
      Office for 30 + years I know the ropes & that I can depend on them to get it in your hands! Just pick a spot and
      approximate date of arrival & I'll go from there or use any other means you might think would be a good alternative.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Oh yeah, Will has the right idea. ;)

    5. Old Country Ham...that's a new one. When we get on the road, I'll look at where we are staying and give you a shout out. However, I think we have the fuel covered! Thanks for the offer. Love you!

  3. you all are so marvelous!! what an exciting adventure ~~
    hugs to all in this ultra-cool, ultra-inspiring family!!

  4. What a great blog! Thank you for thinking of us all.

    A Greek remedy for motion sickness (it worked for me riding a bus through the mountains of Karpenissi, Greece) is to hold a lemon, scratch the peel and sniff the the released aroma.

    Have a wonderful road trip.

  5. Thanks Debbie...I'll get a lemon and try it if Lon needs it.

  6. LaVerte & Tim,

    This is so exciting! What a fun family project & trip! Dave & I are just back from a trip to Colorado in our little RV, named "Harvey." That's why we had to miss your anniversary party -- we were attending my aunt & uncle's 60th wedding anniversary party in Colorado Springs. You can see my pictures on Facebook if you're interested.

    We took 4 days to get out & 4 to get back. We stayed in Ashland, Kentucky; outside St. Louis; Salina, KS, on the way out. Coming home we stayed in Salina again, outside St. Louis in a different place, & then just outside Huntington, WV. Thursday (last week) we drove through those storms that caused the flash floods in West Virginia -- the rain was incredible. In hindsight, we probably should have stayed put in the campground but we wanted to get home. Plus, we had tickets for the Hornsbyfest in Williamsburg. The takeaway from the trip for us was that KOA campgrounds are a little more expensive but well worth it. They have the nicest amenities & cleanest bathrooms!

    Anyway, have a wonderful time -- I hope your trip will be as fun as ours was!

    Happy travels -- I'll be following along with you!

    Suzanne Hamilton

    1. Glad you are home safe and sound! We'll post about our campground experiences...clean bathrooms are a real bonus!

  7. Hope you guys have a wonderful trip stay safe. If you have extra time I'm in Arkansas my family would love to see you two.....take care

    1. Wish we could, Trent! This is the longest trip Raleigh and Lon have taken and we have to make it as speedy and direct as possible! Hope you and the family are doing well. Tell your mom I said hello.
