Thursday, June 30, 2016

Greetings from of wide open spaces

Greetings from Kansas!!!
It is 10:45 Kansas time and it took 30 minutes to download these pictures.  In the meantime, the others are snuggly tucked in their beds while I sit on the steps into the bus, in the dark, while it rains, and try to get something written about todays adventures.  When traveling across Kansas, it is pretty flat and not too exciting...except when Lon sees gigantic farm equipment passing us by with only inches to spare between us on the highway.  Remember, we are traveling 50 miles per hour.  There are also wind turbines, hay bales, corn and wheat...yep, that's exciting--not.  

We spent most of our day in Kansas
Big sky and lots of crops

And more crops...

And more crops...

And really big equipment!!!


One of Raleigh's rules when she first started
dating Lon:  NO SLEEVELESS SHIRTS!!! Notice, his has sleeves.

At a rest stop switching drivers.
Will posing for the camera.
Tim is showing off his farmer's tan
while his shirt reminds him to CHILL

William and Tim went to Walmart (which is within walking distance from our campsite...rather urban, don't you think.  While they were bonding there and picking up some sundries, they found some shirts.  I didn't get a shot of William's today, but it is reversible and he says that tomorrow we'll get to see the other side.  I'll just say one word for those who know him well..."MEOW"

Lon and Tim took an excursion to see some cool farm equipment.  I think some John Deere and Casey stuff, but I "forgot" to listen so I can't really tell you about that.  The campsite where we are staying is filled with people who follow the crops and harvest them.  Nebraska is their next stop, I think.
Again, Will is under the bus but since it is raining and
 calling for flash floods, he is prepared with
his hammock suspended from
 the underside of the bus.

I really am on the trip with's proof
We had a lovely dinner of pulled pork, minus the King's BBQ sauce which, I'm sad to say is still in Franklin.  Raleigh has done laundry twice already since we really have to keep things clean for Lon.  Last night she put the clothes in the dryer, inserted the quarters, and left the laundry room.  When she returned, the upper dryer was really warm, but her clothes were in the lower dryer...oops!  More quarters and another trip to the laundry room.
The kids are just relaxing and enjoying the ride.

Tomorrow we get to our destination is Colorado and get to stay in a hotel!!!  William is visiting friends near by and will have the bus while we take the van to the wedding.  Our day will be shorter tomorrow...only about 300 miles so this should be cheese cake, unless it doesn't stop raining.  The good news is we haven't found any leaks, yet.  Thanks for following along!  More tomorrow...

PS...I have messed up the layout but I am too tired to try and figure it out...sorry


  1. Greetings from Colorado Springs. We got here Wednesday afternoon and I think Kansas is imprinted in the backs of my eyes. Your pics look extremely familiar. So glad to know you guys are safe and almost here. I read your post every night. You are doing a fantastic job of capturing your journey. I can't wait to see your awesome bus. Please tell Raleigh I agree about the sleeveless shirt thing. Also, love Will's under bus hammock. Very ingenious. Safe travels and see you very soon. Enjoy tomorrow's drive. The hills will get much bigger. Lidia

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looks like a fun trip! I don't know about Will sleeping under the bus though? Great blog.

    john marks

  4. Well,you gave The Old Country Ham, a full dose of news that has kept me glued to the computer for probably more than an hour! A
    good thing for it is raining outside and I do not want the Boss
    giving me any inside cleaning and straightning up (OK so I Mispelled----I am not going to bother to correct!
    I am happy to report that all is well with the Tennessee Hill Billies. Max does a goood job of keeping me out of trouble ***
    Now she is chomping at the bits telling me to get off the computer SINCE we are commited to to fill the afternoon shift
    at the TVA Raccoon Mountain Pumped Storage Facility ,ie A vistor's Center on the top of Raccoon Mountain where they
    pump water from the Tennessee River about 1,000 feet below to man made lake durning the night hours while people are sleeping
    to fill the lake ONLY to use the same water stored in the lake
    to power the generators during the busy day hours i.e. 9 AM to 5 PM to meet the demand for electricity during those busy hours.
    Maxine says "sign of< its time to go!!!" Love & best wishes, Dad
