Saturday, September 16, 2017

Made it to Plymouth via Boston, AKA Traffic Hell!

Well...another day with sketchy internet so no pictures currently...
and I have some great ones.  You'll just have to use your imagination 
and wait on the edges of your seats, I guess.

We were able to mobilize quickly this morning and were on the road by 7:09 headed for Plymouth, Mass. with the intention of going to Martha's Vineyard tomorrow.  The consensus was to get on a main highway so we could maximize our time on the road at as close to a cruising speed of 55 mph as we could get.  One of our quick stops was to get a New Hampshire sticker to put on the bus.  I found it interesting that there was an exit, much like the ones we have in Virginia for rest areas, but it was for a huge liquor store...that's it, just alcohol.  I thought maybe Raleigh wanted to get some scotch for 
Bick, but she and Tim came back to the bus with, just a sticker.  After a stop for donuts, and another one for fuel and burgers, we approached Boston.  Oh-My-Goodness!  There was an accident about 10 miles ahead of us and we were crawling along at a snail's pace. (insert a screen shot of google maps all fired up in red)  Consequently, our average speed wasn't a whole lot better than when we were taking the back roads.  We still made it to our destination by 4:00 which may have been a record for this trip.  Tim has been doing the majority of the bus driving.  I think he is a little hesitant to let me get behind the wheel but Raleigh has filled in some.  Of course, she has driven Lon's pulling truck so she is more capable than all of us.

Our campsite is beautiful, wooded, and filled with crickets and frogs making their night sounds as I type (with my 9 good digits).  We quickly set up camp then headed into Plymouth for dinner. 
The downtown was bustling with Saturday tourists and we were thrilled to get a handicap parking space right by Plymouth Rock.  Since it was getting close to the rush hour for dinner, we opted to go eat and then come back and take pictures of the famous rock. We ate at a great restaurant on the water.  I was able to check something else off of my bucket list.  I had a lobster roll and it was yummy.  (Insert a picture of my lobster roll here) But market price for the day put a $25 price tag on it.  Talk about sticker shock for a sandwich!  It was worth it though and I won't have the opportunity to have another one for quite a while.  

As luck would have it, when we returned from dinner, "the rock", was surrounded by police and road blocks and we could hear the bull horns announcing..."turn around, do not walk this way".  We were literally 30 feet away, but alas, couldn't get close enough to see it. I have no idea what was going on and the Mass. Police weren't interested in explaining it to Tim when he asked. Stuffed from our great meal, we reluctantly decided against ice cream and just came back to camp.

Raleigh and I were slap happy and had a little trouble reading the campsite map to find the restrooms.  I think she may be scoping out a nearby tree to use if she has to go in the dark again!  

It looks like Martha's Vineyard may be out due to some ferry schedule changes and reservation availability so Tim and I will be off to Cape Cod tomorrow while Raleigh and Lon take a little break and watch a movie or something.  Then off in the afternoon to try to see Plymouth Rock again!  

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