Monday, September 11, 2017

On the Road Again-Maine or Bust

After the trip to Colorado last summer Raleigh and Lon re-evaluated the functionality of the Struggle Bus and decided that it needed to be "tweaked" a little before the next adventure.  While the trip was a blast it was definitely a learning experience.  Raleigh's brother, Will, was on the trip with us and we had daily debriefings when we would each assess how the day went.  He referred to these as our "Mountain, Valley, Stream"  or the "Rose, Bud, Thorn" sessions.  We each had to tell what our Mountain/Rose was for the day.  That would be the best part.  Then the Valley/Thorn part which was the worst part.  And finally, we would talk about the Stream/Bud part which encompassed what we could do in the future to make things go better or something we looked forward to.  Let's just say there were a few thorns to be pruned and valleys to climb out of when it was all said and done.

Consequently, Raleigh and Lon proceeded to totally GUT the bus and start over.  This time there are fewer bungie cords and command hooks for sure. There are custom cabinets, insulated flooring, carpet under the drivers seat and where Lon enters the bus.   It helped that they built a barn big enough that the bus fit inside, out of the sun and weather while the remodeling took place.  This version of the bus is much more streamlined.  It functions more as an elaborate tent than an RV.  The main difference is that there is a shower so Lon can be on the road longer.  We also moved his bed forward in the bus and we use it as a sofa when he's not sleeping.  Raleigh has a better mattress for her cot, but it is still narrow.  Good thing she is so tiny.  Tim and I have graduated to an air mattress in the back of the bus instead of the pitiful Ikea foam sofa we used to have.

We left on Saturday, the 9th, headed to Bar Harbor, Maine and Acadia National Park.  The object is to get there as quickly as possible so that we can enjoy 4 days of camping on the beach!!!  And hiking, shopping and eating lobster and what ever else we can fit in.  Unfortunately, as I type this in the dark, I can't seem to be able to load photos right now.  So you will have to wait for the funny shots to go with the stories.

Our first day took us to Pennsylvania, via Lucketts, Va., where we met up with one of my favorite people.  Melaney met us in the parking lot of an elementary school.  We only had 20 minutes to spend but it was my "mountain" for the day.  As we drove through Pennsylvania the scenery was beautiful and we passed many orchards.  We got into camp a little late so we quickly fired up the Coleman stove and heated up the barbecue we had frozen.  We were hungry and not too picky so that was good.  Then things went a little south.  The bus was all set up for a wonderful night's sleep when we punctured a hole in our air mattress on some screw tips we didn't realize were sticking out of the cabinet next to the bed.  There may have been a couple of expletives heard by the other campers.  So, we slept on the floor.  It was really cold outside, and we were one sleeping bag short.  Since I sleep hot, I made Raleigh use my bag and I used an afghan of Lon's.  Well, it was an afghan I made for him to use with his wheelchair so it was narrow....and I'm not!  So...let's just say it wasn't the best night's sleep.

We got on the road pretty early Sunday and made it to Gilboa, New York.  We are quickly realizing that what could be a seven hour trip takes us about nine and a half.  But that's okay.  Raleigh got some time in driving the bus and she and I traded off driving their van.  We bring that in case there is an emergency and Lon needs alternate transportation.  They don't really rent handicap vans just everywhere!  Tim drove the bus most of the time and even has a little chauffeur hat.  We did stop at of our many little delays, and bought a new air mattress that was nicer and taller so it is easier to get in and out of.  We put tape over the screw tips and pillows in front of them to protect the new mattress.  Unfortunately, with the taller mattress, we didn't realize there were more screw tips higher up on the cabinet.  You see where I'm going with this.  All I can say is that I'm glad I was showering while the inflation/deflation was taking place.  And duct tape does not work well as a patch.  The patch kit that came with the mattress didn't have any adhesive with it because it is illegal to ship it with the kit.  How does that make sense?  The mattress had a built in pump so Tim would pump it up when our butts were touching the floor, which was very loud, and would wake up Lon and Raleigh.  At one point the mattress was so flat that I was rolling off and wedged by the cabinet and Tim had his foot stuck in the mechanics of Lon's lift.  He was laughing so hard because the bed was so flat that he couldn't turn himself over to get his foot loose.  Let's just say, another night's sleep went down the drain.  At least we got another sleeping bag so we were all warm!

Monday morning we got an early start and were on the road by 7:00.  Our hope was that we would be in camp by 3:30 but again, it was more like 5:30. At least it was still daylight.  And another gorgeous ride.  We have opted to stay off of the main highways and Lon plotted a wonderful route through beautiful country.  It is fun to see the different terrain and signs for Moose.  We are in a camping "resort" on the coast of Maine tonight.  It truly is a resort...pools, hot tubs, game room, entertainment stage...and we are the only school bus in the place.  What a surprise!

Tomorrow we will be in Bar Harbor and be able to stay there for four days.  We can't wait to smell the sea breeze and can't wait to be in one place and really set up camp.  And hopefully I will figure out how to post pictures so you can see the new set-up.  Now I must go inside and see if the patch kit worked. If it didn't, I may have to kick Raleigh off of her cot!


  1. Hilarious and wonderful. Im picturing Tim in his blaze orange shirt. This is just what I needed after putting my toddler to bed (for 30 minutes 😥🔫). 💟💟💟

  2. We took a walking tour in Acadia Nat'l. Park a few years ago. Stayed in Bar Harbor part of the time. One day we hiked to Jordan Pond House for lobster stew and their famous popovers! Loved everything about Maine! Have fun and I hope to see you in Charlottesville in late Sept.!
    Mme. Copeland

    1. Yes, Marie...Please shoot me a message with details. Merci!
