Monday, September 18, 2017

Pictures again!

Raleigh, channeling "Aunt Vicki" at Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park.
The water was crystal clear!
Lon, off roading before the tide gets back in.

I've lost track of where I left off... 
Well...we couldn't see Plymouth Rock Saturday because there was a bomb scare!!!  
Of course there was.  Turned out to be an empty box but apparently 
someone really did try to set off a bomb in 1976 for real.

I wish you could see the blue lights
flashing and the police tape
around "the rock".

Look!  Raleigh found Sebastian!
They have lobsters like we have pigs in Smithfield...
Lon is keeping Raleigh warm.  She had to
buy the clipper ship sweatshirt because
she was freezing!

My Lobster good!

So Sunday morning we had another change of plans.  Tim and I took off to get a glimpse of "the rock" and were successful.  There was a great ranger there giving a presentation and I learned a little more than when I was in 4th grade.  

Scituate Lighthouse in the fog.
The oldest lighthouse with the
keepers original house attached.

As luck would have it, some of my ancestors came ashore in Boston with the 
Winthrop Fleet and settled in Scituate, Me.  That is only 20 miles from Plymouth 
so Tim kindly took me up the coast to check it out.
There were some great spots related to my family history 
and we went to a museum where I purchased a book about the settling of Scituate. 
The fog along the coast was fierce and the locals were keeping an eye out for hurricane Jose
as it creeps up the Atlantic.  Glad we will be leaving
 and headed inland before it 
is due to strike.

Our campground serves breakfast  so Sunday morning
we headed to the little restaurant.  Tim is ready to eat...No cooking for me

Raleigh and Lon stayed "home" and took the morning off, 
so to speak.  They were happy to have a little alone time to unwind.
For dinner we headed to Sandwich, Me. on Cape Cod hoping to get one 
last meal by the sea but, 
wouldn't you know it, there were no restaurants on 
the water.  We headed back to Plymouth and had a one last 
seafood meal before heading home.  
Actually the guys ate beef 
and the girls had salmon.
We finally got to go out for ice-cream  
Raleigh has been bribing Tim with the 
promise of ice cream so it was pay up time.

Raleigh pulled extra wound care duties and fixed up my pinkie finger.

You might be a redneck if... use gauze, duct tape and a broken off plastic fork (for a splint)

Today is Tuesday and we left Plymouth around 7:00 to head home.  The first two hours
we made it about 27 miles due to one lane roads, and rush hour traffic.  And let's just
say that the ride was also very bumpy.  If bumps could jiggle off fat, I'd be skinny by now.
After that, we decided to take Rt. 84 across Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania so we could crank it back up to 55 mph.  We made it to our campsite by 4:00 and since it would take 20 minutes to go back out to get the chicken we planned to eat, we settled for cereal, remnants of pimento cheese (how did that should have been gone long ago but someone tucked it in the back of our tiny refrigerator!), crackers, Oreos/milk, and Lon had left over beef tips from last night's dinner.  Tim drooled the whole time Lon was eating.  Lon offered to sell it to him but the price was too steep.

Tomorrow we go to Madison, Va. via Lucketts near Leesburg.  I get to see my friend, Melaney, again and in a restaurant instead of an elementary school parking lot this time.  In Madison, we get to visit some of Lon's friends and perhaps trade our seafood for some great barbecue in Culpepper.
It is 8:15, the crickets and frogs are at it again, it's dark and we are actually about ready to call it a night so we can get on the road early again tomorrow.  Two days and we will be Home Sweet Home!